Project Description

How do you work out what plants are suitable to grow in a climate changing world? Trevor Booth outlines a process using readily available web tools, the Atlas of Living Australia along side the Climate change in Australia website, which enables a variety of climate change scenarios to be considered and the location of potential seed sources to be identified.

Topic Mins: seconds
Opening title 00:00
Background to Atlas of Living Australia 0:10
Background Issues :genetic diversity, provenance 1:00
Climate adjusted provenancing 1:52
Example Whitebox (E.albans)- outline of steps to tkae 2:50
Step 1- Identify potential seed sources 4:30
Step 2 Estimate current climate 5:55
Step 3 Estimate future projects conditions 6:35
Step 4 Identify small regions that map future climates 8:00
Step 5 Identify possible seed collection locations 10:00
Step 5 2090 projection demonstration 11:25
Step 6 Identify existing projects that may already have collected suitable non-local seed 12:00
Conclusions and additional reading 12:40
Thanks 14:30
Credits 14:55
End 15:15

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