Case Studies

Maximising outcomes with SNES

Jen Ford’s presentation showcases a well planned, 10 year funded, Threatened Species offset project. Detailed examples of four Species of National Environmental Significance are discussed and picture-perfect photopoints utilised to highlight the changes that have resulted from dedicated professionals undertaking assisted regeneration supported by hazard reduction burns. The project not only achieved the 2 for [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:22+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Native ecosystems as references

Tein McDonald provides a detailed explanation of the concept of ecological restoration as intended by the National Standards for Ecological Restoration. Tein outlines the restorative activities continuum and provides examples of where various restoration projects may reside along that spectrum. Ideologies such as ‘restorative thinking’ and ‘ecological civilization’ are considered within the context of the [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:22+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Savanna fire management business

The north Australian savannas are vast and have the potential to provide significant indigenous business opportunities for markets in greenhouse gas emissions, living tree biomass and non-living biomass as shown during the Carbon Farming Initiative. Jeremy Russell-Smith provides an overview of the fire management strategies that have been undertaken within the context of indigenous management [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:22+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Climate Change & bushfires

Be prepared to take a deep breath as Prof Lesley Hughes walks through the known data and possible futures in a climate-changing world. The evidence for climate change is outlined, the trends discussed and impacts of extreme events elaborated. Examples of future scenarios are provided within the context of bushfire impacts, particularly in NSW. A [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:23+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Creek Heroes are winning the battle

Urban creeks in the City of Onkaparinga hold some of the last remnants of bushland within the city as well as containing valuable public recreational space. The ‘Creek Heroes’ project informed and activated the community to care for the creeks by crafting clever ‘heroes and bullies’, listening to the residents and providing opportunities to experience [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:23+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Creating a nature conservation culture

Todd explores the concept of ecocentricity and how it provides an ethical and social framework for both restoration and our relationship to the environment. An outline of the social, and individual benefits that have been produced on the Skyline tier project exemplifies how a changed worldview can unite a community. Todd, along with Michael Leunig [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:23+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Farming for restoration supply

Why is grassy ecosystem restoration so hard…it doesn’t have to be? Paul Gibson-Roy shines the light on the USA’s approach. In 2015 Paul received a Winston Churchill fellowship to explore the industry in the USA .He shares his findings of the scale and viability of the industry and the government incentives and the structures that [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:23+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Five Islands rehabilitation

Restoring native vegetation cover on an island dominated by Kikuyu and Coastal Morning Glory poses unique challenges, especially when the island provides critical seabird breeding habitat. The Five Islands Nature Reserve is a culturally significant site and the success of the restoration project has been due to the project bringing together the Illawarra Local Aboriginal [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:23+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Popes Glen Field Day Series outline

This video is an introduction to the inspiring story of Popes Glen Bushcare Group who against the odds has successfully put a willow-infested silt flat on the recovery trajectory towards an EEC, Blue Mountains Peat Swamp on Sandstone. The three videos in the series cover the topics of weeds, stormwater and revegetation and were filmed [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:24+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |

Popes Glen Series – Stormwater

Stormwater flows along the first kilometre of urban streams require energy and nutrient loads to be managed effectively to ensure the downstream integrity of the riparian systems can be maintained. The Popes Glen Bushcare Group, with the support of the Blue Mountains Council, have explored and implemented a variety of highly successful soft-engineering strategies to [...]

2020-04-01T20:28:24+10:00Categories: Case Studies, What's New|Tags: , |
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