
AABR AGM 3/11/24

Do you want to see more happening in relation to ecological restoration in Australia? If so, have you thought about nominating to go on the Board of the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR), or joining one of our many Working Groups? AABR Board members come from a broad range of backgrounds: including volunteer and [...]

2024-10-31T15:09:57+10:00Categories: e-news, Events, Online meeting, What's New|

Let’s talk about a NSW branch at AABR Fest!

We invite you to join us for an informal discussion at AABR Fest 2 to discuss how we can develop this branch to better meet the unique environmental challenges in NSW. This event will provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded people, share ideas, and contribute to shaping the future direction of bush regeneration in [...]

2024-10-13T14:57:28+10:00Categories: AABR NSW, e-news, What's New|

Euc ID workshops with Paul Gadsby

For More Information For Tickets Capacity Attendees needed per workshop to run is 15. Maximum attendees per workshop is 20. AABR is hoping to support our members by offering both a weekday AND a weekend option per area. If the number of attendees needed to run each workshop (15) isn’t reached fourteen days prior to [...]

2024-11-15T05:28:43+10:00Categories: Bush Regen skills, e-news, Events, What's New|

September e-news

AABR’s almost monthly e-news is an opportunity to catch up with the events that are upcoming, projects that AABR is progressing and sharing items that come across the various desks of the AABR Board, a well-connected and conscientious crew. Events 11-13 September - Spring mini regen camp at Crowdy Bay NP  17 September -  Let’s [...]

Tell us what works (and what doesn’t)!

Knowledge sharing on the ecoweeder.au platform Weed management in bush regeneration is always challenging; especially when innovative and alternative weed control techniques are being used. The shiny new steam weeder, the next organic herbicide or even trial by fire to control weeds is all the rage. But how does a bush regenerator decide which ecological [...]

2024-09-01T20:56:42+10:00Categories: Bush Regen skills, e-news, What's New|

1930’s Broken Hill Regeneration Reserves to be Revisited

In the mid-1930s Albert Morris of the Barrier Field Naturalist Club and others started establishing both planting and natural regeneration areas around Broken Hill in an effort to curb sand drift.  In 1939 two Sydney University botany staff Ilma Pidgeon and Eric Ashby surveyed the planting/natural regeneration areas and compared them with areas not treated.  [...]

Accreditation- The what, why, who and how

What is AABR accreditation and why was it the foundation AABR was built upon? At the core of AABR’s existence is the accreditation system, recognition of the skills and experience gained from understanding and practicing resilience-based bush regeneration. When AABR was founded in 1986 all members were accredited bush regeneration practitioners. To assuage concerns that [...]

2024-09-01T18:22:44+10:00Categories: Bush Regen skills, e-news, What's New|Tags: |

Protecting and restoring Wirra-lo Wetlands – Recording

The inspirational lunchtime webinar by Damien Cook from the Wetland Revival Trust- Protecting and restoring Wirra-lo Wetlands is an hour well spent is now available to watch on regenTV.  Never underestimate the power of a great idea and the dedication to a cause. The lunchtime webinar series co-hosted by AABRVic and ECAVic are proving to [...]

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