What’s New

Edition 2.2 of the Standards out now

Watch the replay of the launch EDITION 2.2 NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION IN AUSTRALIA View the Standards Edition 2.2 AABR members Tein McDonald, Jen Ford, Scott Meier and Todd Dudley will be sharing their restoration insights during the launch, along with other restoration exemplars from across Australia. 'The Standards' are a world-leading [...]

2021-10-19T17:36:56+10:00Categories: Events, What's New|

Donate to Regenerate

Donate to Advocate Will you donate so we can advocate and demonstrate that bush regeneration can repair natural areas? You can donate here. AABR Advocates for the appropriate management of Australian ecosystems by: engaging with communities (including First Nations) and all levels of government to promote the sound ecological management and repair of natural areas. [...]

2022-04-05T06:48:25+10:00Categories: What's New|

World Premiere Success! Watch the movie

Are you already planning what to do to wind down at the end of the week?  The premiere has been held with over 70 attendees.  You can now watch Renewal in the Desert -The story of the Barrier Field Naturalists' Club and the Broken Hill Regeneration Reserves  on AABR's website or YouTube channel. Grab a [...]

2021-07-16T18:43:55+10:00Categories: Events, What's New|

Watch it Now – Post-fire regeneration in NSW 12 months on

Hundreds of AABR members rose to the challenge of supporting post-fire regeneration only to have their intent somewhat stifled by a pandemic. In spite of this five NSW site coordinators managed to navigate the COVID constraints and deliver on-ground outcomes. We will be sharing the process and the achievements from 12 months of post-fire regeneration [...]

2021-04-16T18:09:38+10:00Categories: Case Studies, Events, What's New|

Glyphosate – the politics, the law, the science, the practicalities

Visit AABR's Glyphosate Working Group page for resources & updates  Glyphosate – Working through the politics, the law, the science and the practicalities addresses aspects of the Glyphosate debate and implications for bush regeneration practice. This presentation was part of the Annual General Meeting of The Australian Association of Bush Regenerators held on 27th February [...]

2021-03-18T09:03:32+10:00Categories: What's New|Tags: , , |

Two new FABB videos

Get to know the six main weeding techniques An introduction to six techniques commonly used by bush regenerators for controlling weeds after fire. hand pulling crowning scrape and paint cut and paint stem injection spot spraying This video was made possible by sponsorship from Bushland Restoration Services, Waratah Ecoworks, Naturelinks, Paul Thistlethwaite, Joe Kielniacz  and Marita Macrae along [...]

2021-03-06T11:02:39+10:00Categories: regenTV, What's New|

Glyphosate Working Group

The Glyphosate Working Group - Members Wanted - There is a growing cohort of bush regenerators that are experiencing increasing frustrations with the lack of understanding on glyphosate toxicity, especially in relation to other herbicides and items in common use. An AABR Glyphosate Working Group, spearheaded by AABR Vic, and consisting of experienced industry practitioners, [...]

2020-12-23T13:01:46+10:00Categories: e-news, What's New|Tags: , |
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