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As an ecological consultant and bush crew manager for 30 years, Lincoln Kern, Managing Director, has written and implemented many conservation management plans.

Recent discussions held between ecological consultants (ECA Vic members) and ecological onground restoration specialists (AABR members) identified a common interest in seeking improved management planning for conservation sites. But these conversations also prompted concerns about the quality and effectiveness of current management planning, the outcomes that then flow from them and how this might be improved.

Management planning is a common and critical part of the planning and land management process. Doing it well is an important part of conserving biodiversity yet the planning, decision making and implementation phases can be hampered by lack of guidance, background information, resources or time to develop good thinking, process, templates and/or standards.

Lincoln will present a brief analysis of the issues around management planning for conservation sites, some of the problems that arise out of the current system, offer some solutions and make some recommendations for prompting more discussions and efforts to improve the effectiveness of the process in the broader planning and land management industry.

There will also be time for your questions.

Event Summary:

Wednesday, 17th August 2022, 12:30-1:30pm

Live talk followed by a Q&A session via Zoom.


Free for members of ECA Vic or AABR, but registrations are required (memberships are available through ECA Vic website or AABR website).

Non-members – $20*

*If you have recently lost your job or are experiencing financial hardship at this time, we are offering free/subsidised attendance. Please contact admin@ecavic.org.au to receive a promo code.

After registration, a Zoom weblink will be mailed to you prior to the event, normally on the day of the talk.

For further information, contact: admin@ecavic.org.au

Photo credit: Anand McKinley

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