Korinderie Ridge Bush Regen Week

Korinderie Ridge community Woodburn, Nsw

The 20th Korinderie Bush Regen week will be held this year during the first week of August (Monday Aug 2-Friday Aug 6) . During the ‘regen week’, visitors join with residents to progressively remove lantana on the Korinderie Ridge private property adjacent to Bundjalung National Park on the NSW north coast. In exchange for their [...]


Bushcare visit at Chowder Head Reserve with a talk about the Bradley Sisters

Chowder Head Bushcare visit Cnr of Illuka and Morella Rd, Mosman, NSW

Join us at Chowder Head (Gooree) in the northern precinct of Sydney Harbour National Park for a bushcare session preceded by a talk about the Bradley Sisters, the pioneers of bush regeneration by minimal disturbance.
