Want to do a little extra to support the ecological restoration industry and protect our natural environment

That’s what AABR is all about!  Lend a hand by joining, volunteering or making a donation?


Make a donation to AABR

We have a policy of keeping our fees low, in order to be as inclusive as possible. But we do have a lot of important work to do, and need to continually raise funds. If you are able to make a donation – even a small one – we will put it to good use to support the bush regeneration community and protect our natural environment.

Donate to Advocate

Will you donate so we can advocate and demonstrate that bush regeneration can repair natural areas?

Your support assists our working groups, such as the Chemicals In the Management of Biodiversity, to engage with government on policy, legislation and programs, and to advocate to funders to adequately resource bush regeneration across Australia.

You can donate here.


Donate to Educate

Will you donate so we can educate, communicate, and disseminate information to build the capacity of land managers to care for our natural areas?

Your support will help to produce resources like those created in response to the 2019-20 bush fires.

You can donate here.



Donate to Facilitate

Will you donate so we can facilitate training and accreditation for bush regen practitioners to get the best outcomes when restoring our natural areas?

Your support will allow AABR’s Accreditation program to continue to recognise the unique skills and expertise of bush regenerators and allow AABR to engage with government and non government training organisations to improve and expand appropriate courses in bush regeneration.

You can donate here.

Donate to Contemplate

Will you donate so we can create videos to contemplate?

Since 2016 AABR has been creating a library of videos under its regenTV program. These open-access, relevant and contemporary education videos aim to demonstrate best practice techniques encourage skills development and inspire participation.

You can donate here.


You can also donate directly into our account.
Account name: Australian Association of Bush Regenerators  Inc.
BSB: 012 842.  Account number: 338123665

Please email  accounts@aabr.org.au, with the amount and Transfer reference so we know why the funds have appeared in our bank account. We would also like to know your name and contact details, so we can send a receipt.    – unless you would prefer to remain anonymous.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss any aspect of your donation.

Note: We do not have tax deductible status yet, but are working on it!

Volunteer with AABR

There is a lot to do and we are always looking for help. For example:

  • helping to organise field days or seminars
  • preparing content for the newsletter or website (Contact Louise Brodie newsletter@aabr.org.au 0407 068 688)
  • helping prepare submissions on issues important to the industry
  • telling bush regen colleagues about AABR, and encouraging them to join
  • joining the AABR working groups and doing some volunteer work
  • contacting your local branch and offering to help
  • getting together with others in your region to form a local branch
  • assisting with social media
  • and many more jobs large and small

(Note: if you are interested in voluntary bushcare work, AABR does not organise any directly but there are many wonderful organisations that would love to hear from you see our volunteer page )

Please contact AABR secretary  secretary@aabr.org.au if you would like to talk more about volunteering for AABR

Sponsor an event or regenTV videos

AABR  hosts industry forums every two years and runs field days and workshops throughout the year.  These events are recorded, if funding is available, to allow them to be shared across the broader bush regeneration community. Videos are hosted on AABR’s website and YouTube Channel.

Your business or organisation can support AABR by being a sponsor of an event or contributing to the production of a regenTV video.

Sponsorship options for regenTV videos can be exclusive or non exclusive and range from $50,000 to $500, as one-off or multi-year partnerships. A guide to the opportunities can be viewed here.

Sponsorship options available for AABR’s Forums range from $2000 to $500. The most recent forum prospectus  can be viewed here.

Become a member of AABR

A large membership base makes us strong and helps us financially – even if you are not able to participate at all, we value your membership.

If you are not already a member, whether an individual or a company, if you care about what we care about, step aboard!  Join here

Why do people help AABR?

Some of our active members explain why they contribute time and resources to AABR

Scott Meier, Wotton NSW
AABR committee member and bush regeneration contractor

Without healthy natural systems, virtually every human activity is a luxury. I believe this is a common understanding amongst those interested in natural systems. I am grateful to be part of the ecological restoration movement, which is dedicated to the repair, maintenance & and study of these natural systems.

As a bush regeneration practitioner, an ecological restoration contractor & AABR committee member, I am interested in the development of this movement, at every level.

The depth and widespread nature of the Australian restoration movement is likely unparalleled. I see the recent AABR seminar as a celebration of this movement — an opportunity to share information, develop new bonds and maintain contact with other Bush regenerators and those interested in theory and practice of ecological restoration. Many of us are isolated in our particular organisations or projects, and the opportunity to come together in a central meeting place allows us to share inspiration. AABR has been able to provide this opportunity.

Since 1986 AABR has provided a focal point for the Australian restoration movement, I believe it’s role in the advancement of quality restoration practice should not be underestimated.

As an individual practitioner, I view AABR as providing a voice for natural systems and their individual components. I believe these are the ongoing life support systems that support my family and myself. These ‘systems’, and the plants and animals within, also have an inherent right to co-exist with human populations.

As a bush regeneration contractor, AABR represents an opportunity to showcase some of our successful projects, and is a contact point for those wishing to engage our services or find employment.

As an AABR committee member, I am able to contribute, in some small way, to the development of this restoration movement, which is so desperately needed if we are to survive on this planet.

With ongoing support of its members, AABR will be able to stage seminars and events into the future and continue to act as a hub for bush regeneration.

Lynne Springett, Hornsby NSW
Bushcare volunteer

“In 1986 I began my life changing journey as a bush regenerator, the same year AABR was formed.

After many years of being on a huge learning curve while working with contractors, I am now retired & acting as a bushcare volunteer. Having a love for the natural environment & a passion for rehabilitating & conserving bushland for wildlife & future generations I find working with like minded people a privilege and a joy.

I have always found the AABR newsletters informative and an excellent forum for ideas, reports on new proven successes (and failures!), updates on specific sites and ‘a voice’ for all on any related point of interest. AABR is an essential organisation for the collation and dissemination of information of new techniques, products & equipment. The recent AABR seminar has invigorated all who attended & encouraged new membership, enabling AABR to grow and to support those committed to the restoration and maintenance of our natural environment. I believe it’s success has been due to hard work over many months by the committee & other volunteers. I am pleased to have been able to help in a voluntary capacity (albeit in a very small way) and would urge others with an interest in habitat conservation to contribute in any way they can. Remember the old saying: many hands make light work!”