Project Description

This presentation outlines the Healthy Seeds project, confirms the relevance of the National Native Seed Survey findings and will explore other issues that need to be addressed. From this, and an extensive audit of the seed supply chain across NSW, it is hoped to establish a Roadmap to assist in outlining how these issues can be addressed to improve the practice and supply of native seed in NSW.

Martin has been involved in the land and native vegetation restoration field for over forty years in both a professional and private capacity. He has been involved in developing direct seeding technology and seed supply capacity across NSW and in initiating and supporting a number of native seedbank networks. He is passionate about supporting local learning and improving and transferring knowledge, systems and training to improve restoration outcomes

Read More – Links

Hancock, N., Gibson-Roy, P., Driver, M. and Broadhurst, L. (2020). The Australian Native Seed Sector Survey Report. Australian Network for Plant Conservation, Canberra.

Healthy Seeds Project-ANPC

Florabank Guidelines – Greening Australia