Project Description

Councils undertaking ecological restoration projects have an additional suite of challenges to deal with. This presentation outlines the reality of working on-ground within a council system, how bush regeneration principles are applied under strategic parameters and the critical role and importance of volunteers in enhancing on-ground outcomes, education and leveraging funding. This video also provides snapshots of successful restoration projects on Themeda EEC, littoral rainforest and dune systems.

Topic Mins: seconds
Introduction 00:00
Titles 00:10
Background to location 00:20
Basic restoration principles 01:24
Constraints of restoration 01:52
Dynamics of bush regen-disturbance 02:50
Northern Beaches ecosystems 03:54
Case Study: Porter Reserve littoral remnant 04:25
Strategic planning, partnerships, volunteers, stewardship 04:54
Community engagement 05:45
Leveraging Volunteers 06:09
Case Study North Mona Vale Headland- Themeda EEC- techniques 06:30
Lesson learnt- communication, social and public perceptions, stakeholders 08:39
Benefits of longer grant funding 10:15
Case Study: :Mona vale basin-restoration of degraded dune 10:32
Thanks, dynamic dialogue of site 11:15
Credits 11:40
End 12:00

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