Project Description

Peter Jensen from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust outlines the tools and techniques that have been trialed to assist the restoration Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (ESBS) at North Head Sanctuary. The site holds nearly half of the remaining ESBS (77ha) and professional and volunteers bush regenerators have utilised three different strategies to assist restoration; regeneration resilience, thinning of over-storey vegetation and prescribed burns.

Topic Mins: seconds
Site description 00:16
Brief history 02.02
What is Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub? 03:40
Case study 1 School of Artillery lawns – regeneration and resilience 05:42
Case study 2 Third Quarantine cemetery – thinning of overstorey vegetation 07:02
Case study 3 Prescribed burns – three burns totalling 4 hectares. 08.21
Interagency co-operation 08:57
Rabbit management 09:27
Monitoring 09:37
Management issues summary 10:02
Credits 11:33

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