Project Description

A concise case study outlining an offset transformation of a highly degraded saltmarsh community at Kurnell. Careful planning and extensive community education is helping to address years of degradation from vehicles and timber getting Unrestricted access to the site was curtailed by fencing. The community has been engaged around the benefits of food chain health to improve fish stocks. A monitoring program was put in place to compare the restoration project with a reference community. Natural processes are doing the rest.

Topic Mins: seconds
Opening Title 00:00
Project Partners 0:16
Project location 0:51
Aims of the project 1:00
Threats to the site 1:15
Planning, reference community 2:27
Community consultation, Communication around food chain 2:45
Reference plots 3:30
Results from baseline survey 3:55
Thanks to partners 5:30
Timelapse photography of inundation and crab activity 5:32
Ending credits 6:08

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