Project Description

Jen Ford provides a brilliant 10 minute overview of the National Restoration Standards six principles and the contents of the document. Why have standards, what are they and how can they assist with on-ground restoration activities are all clearly explained.

Topic Mins: seconds
Titles 00:00
Background 00:08
Introduction to the standards 00:35
Relevance of Standards 00:50
Partners and stakeholders 01:00
Restoration , rehabilitation 01:25
 Outline and features of the document 01:46
Principal 1- Ecological Restoration is based on an appropriate local indigenous reference ecosystem 02:22
Principal 2 – Restoration inputs will be dictated by the level of resilience and degradation 03:07
Principal 3-Recovery of ecosystem attributes is facilitated by identifying clear targets, goals and objectives 04:44
Recovery wheel examples, and attributes 05:25
5-star rating system and examples 07:05
Use of the recovery wheel on large sites 07:30
5 star rating and the 6 attributes 08:24
Principles 4,5,6 09:44
Section 3- Assessment and Planning for Restoration 10:10
Sponsors of the Standards 10:57
Website : 11:10
Credits 11:35
End 11:54

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