Evaluating Progress

Recovery from overgrazing in arid ecosystems. 90 years of change on the TGB Osborn Vegetation Reserve, Koonamore :: Russ Sinclair, University of Adelaide :: AABR Broken Hill field Trip 2017


In 1926 the TGB Osborn Reserve on Koonamore Station was established by fencing 4km2 of the property to exclude sheep and rabbits, it is one of the earliest fencing projects in the world. Permanent photopoints and quadrats were established to monitor the changes. This project highlights the resilience of the natural landscape once threats are [...]

Restoring the Caledonian Forest in Scotland :: Alan Watson Featherstone :: ERA Conference Keynote 2016


In pursuing a personal passion to restore the Caledonian Forests of Scotland, Alan Watson Featherstone developed an understanding of the key ecological principles needed to guide positive trophic cascades. By fencing remnant vegetation to reduce herbivory, ecological processes were reinstated to do the hard work of recovery. Rewilding projects are underway to complete ecosystem functionality. [...]

Upping the ante on restoration-landscape scale restoration on Travelling Stock Reserves in the NSW Riverina :: Ian Davidson. Regeneration Solutions :: AABR Forum 2016


The hidden world of Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs) comes to light as Ian Davidson explains their unique role across the Riverina landscape as a stronghold for biodiversity and threatened species. The absence of agricultural production techniques and fertilisers along with their location on flat fertile soils, linearly linked, has enabled the TSRs to remain prime [...]

Protecting paradise – restoring the flora and fauna of World Heritage listed Lord Howe Island :: Hank Bower and Sue Bower, LHI Board :: AABR Forum 2016


Hank and Sue Bower describe a unique assisted regeneration project that is aiming for complete eradication of vertebrate and weed species due to the isolation of Lord Howe Island. The World Heritage status and legal framework provides for unhindered access to all terrain across the island, enabling all pest populations to be targeted thanks to [...]

Restoration of a saltmarsh community :: Nerida Gill :: AABR Seminar 2013


A concise case study outlining an offset transformation of a highly degraded saltmarsh community at Kurnell. Careful planning and extensive community education is helping to address years of degradation from vehicles and timber getting Unrestricted access to the site was curtailed by fencing. The community has been engaged around the benefits of food chain health [...]

The Dewfish Demonstration Reach – Aquatic habitat restoration for native fish recovery :: Andrew Norris, Dept. Agriculture & Fisheries, QLD :: AABR Forum 2016


This is an inspiring presentation that showcases a variety of strategies that were used to improve aquatic habitat. Approaches undertaken ranged from mechanical bank shaping to altering mowing practices, resnagging with whole trees to purpose built fish hotels. The detailed monitoring and commitment to community engagement has meant that the upward trajectory for in-stream restoration will continue beyond the funded project.

Subtropical rainforest restoration at the Rous Water Rainforest Reserve, Rocky Creek Dam, 1983-2016 :: Brett Weissel and Anthony Acret – Rous County Council :: AABR Forum 2016


An inspiring case study of a remnant in the Big Scrub area being on the full recovery trajectory for restoration. Brett Weissel chronicles Rous Water’s restoration project which utilised innovative mechanical techniques to achieve successional transition illustrated in a very impressive recovery wheel.

Setting the scene – Introduction to National Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration :: Jen Ford :: AABR Forum 2016


Jen Ford provides a brilliant 10 minute overview of the National Restoration Standards six principles and the contents of the document. Why have standards, what are they and how can they assist with on-ground restoration activities are all clearly explained. Topic Mins: seconds Titles 00:00 Background 00:08 Introduction to the standards 00:35 Relevance of [...]

Back to Basics with a twist. Reflections from a local government bush regeneration program :: Karin Nippard and Andrew Jennings :: AABR Forum 2016


Councils undertaking ecological restoration projects have an additional suite of challenges to deal with. This presentation outlines the reality of working on-ground within a council system, how bush regeneration principles are applied under strategic parameters and the critical role and importance of volunteers in enhancing on-ground outcomes, education and leveraging funding. This video also provides [...]

Wetland restoration case studies from the Discovery Bay Coast in South Australia and Victoria :: Mark Bachmann, Nature Glenelg Trust :: AABR Forum 2016


Just add water...Three wetland restoration case studies are presented by Mark Bachmann which outline the historical basis for the degradation, the process of identifying viable project sites and the setting of goals to deliver significant wetland restoration. Mark references the Six Principles in the National Restoration Standards to highlight their relevance in designing, monitoring and [...]

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