Evaluating Progress

Planning, implementation and results of a constructed saltmarsh at Penrhyn Estuary, Port Botany :: Peggy O’Donnell, Geoff Sainty and Mia Dalby-Ball :: Seminar 2014


The reconstruction of saltmarsh at Penrhyn Estuary, Botany Bay, Sydney for migratory shorebirds is an insightful case study that details the process of accommodating habitat shifts in an industrially impacted intertidal zone. Project planner Geoff Sainty effused about the 15 year long project, ‘if there’s any chance to get involved in working with saltmarsh get [...]

Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub Restoration and management at North Head Sanctuary, Manly, NSW :: Peter Jensen :: Seminar 2013


Peter Jensen from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust outlines the tools and techniques that have been trialed to assist the restoration Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (ESBS) at North Head Sanctuary. The site holds nearly half of the remaining ESBS (77ha) and professional and volunteers bush regenerators have utilised three different strategies to assist restoration; regeneration [...]

Reconstruction of native plant communities on rock dumps in Kosciuszko :: Elizabeth MacPhee :: Seminar 2014


Reconstruction of native plant communities on rock dumps in Kosciusko National Park explores the process of redressing the impacts of 400 disturbed sites that were created during the construction of the Snowy Hydro scheme, a $1,548,443 project. Elizabeth MacPhee talks through the logistics and the process of reshaping steep rock dumps, organic enhancement with scavenged [...]

Large scale reconstruction of semi-arid ecosystems in south-west Western Australia :: Justin Jonson :: Seminar 2014


This video describes a landscape scale project, Gondwana link, which aims to connect a fragmented landscape in Western Australia from the wet forests to the deserts. The process of gathering information to build a picture of the landscape vegetation communities and the continuous improvement cycle which saw the on-ground restoration delivered in ‘broad brush strokes [...]

Links to videos that align with the regenTV themes


This page contains lots of links to presentations from conferences and field days that align with the regenTV themes and support the learning resources. These videos have been produced by the event organisers.



RegenTV is AABR’s online repository of ecological restoration case studies filmed at field trips, forums and seminars. The three year program has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust. The comprehensive and inspirational collection of bush regeneration expertise is being compiled into video format by Virginia Bear of Little Gecko Media [...]

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