Habitat restoration

Restoring underwater forests :: Ziggy Marzinelli :: Seminar 2016


Ziggy Marzinelli shares the world of underwater kelp forest recovery. A 70km aquatic restoration project was designed to reinstate Sydney’s Phyllospora comosa - Crayweed forests, a valuable recreational fishing asset as well as a key component of the kelp forest underwater ecosystem. Ziggy’s project successfully reintroduced the missing ecosystem component. In doing so he reinstated [...]

Creating Waterponds to tackle the drought clay pans on the landscape :: Ray Thompson, Central West Local Land Services :: Broken Hill field trip 2017


Arid landscapes that have lost their topsoil are subjected to erosive forces of wind and water to form a clay crust that prevents the growth of vegetation. Ray Thompson explains the technique of waterponding, which captures and directs water, slowing runoff and creating an environment for vegetation to reestablish. In the long-term wind erosion is [...]

Restoring the Caledonian Forest in Scotland :: Alan Watson Featherstone :: ERA Conference Keynote 2016


In pursuing a personal passion to restore the Caledonian Forests of Scotland, Alan Watson Featherstone developed an understanding of the key ecological principles needed to guide positive trophic cascades. By fencing remnant vegetation to reduce herbivory, ecological processes were reinstated to do the hard work of recovery. Rewilding projects are underway to complete ecosystem functionality. [...]

Protecting paradise – restoring the flora and fauna of World Heritage listed Lord Howe Island :: Hank Bower and Sue Bower, LHI Board :: AABR Forum 2016


Hank and Sue Bower describe a unique assisted regeneration project that is aiming for complete eradication of vertebrate and weed species due to the isolation of Lord Howe Island. The World Heritage status and legal framework provides for unhindered access to all terrain across the island, enabling all pest populations to be targeted thanks to [...]

Restoration of a saltmarsh community :: Nerida Gill :: AABR Seminar 2013


A concise case study outlining an offset transformation of a highly degraded saltmarsh community at Kurnell. Careful planning and extensive community education is helping to address years of degradation from vehicles and timber getting Unrestricted access to the site was curtailed by fencing. The community has been engaged around the benefits of food chain health [...]

Gooseberry and Hooka Islands: part of the Berkeley Nature Reserve, Illawarra, NSW. Gerard Proust. AABR Seminar 2013


This case study discusses how the key threatening process of exotic vines and scramblers and Lantana invasion were tackled on Gooseberry and Hooka Islands in Lake Illawarra. Perseverance and the Bradley methodology has seen the recovery of threatened species and the native vegetation community. Topic Mins: seconds Opening Title 00:00 Background- location, threats and [...]

Dune and Littoral Rainforest Restoration Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve :: Deb Holloman NPWS :: AABR Seminar 2013


This video is a snapshot of the threats and restoration achievements at Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve on the Central Coast. Home of rare plants and the only lagoon that is surrounded by National Park in an urban setting it comes with its own unique set of human induced threats. Adaptive management quickly turned an act [...]

The Dewfish Demonstration Reach – Aquatic habitat restoration for native fish recovery :: Andrew Norris, Dept. Agriculture & Fisheries, QLD :: AABR Forum 2016


This is an inspiring presentation that showcases a variety of strategies that were used to improve aquatic habitat. Approaches undertaken ranged from mechanical bank shaping to altering mowing practices, resnagging with whole trees to purpose built fish hotels. The detailed monitoring and commitment to community engagement has meant that the upward trajectory for in-stream restoration will continue beyond the funded project.


Restoration in fragmented landscapes – The importance of genetics :: Linda Broadhurst, CSIRO :: AABR Forum 2016


The million dollar question of 'provenance' is eloquently described by Linda Broadhurst within the context of habitat fragmentation and climate change impacts. The talk simply explains the role of genetics in understanding inbreeding depressions and how they can arise from small population sizes or reduced parental numbers. A must see video for anyone who collects [...]

Using regional revegetation guides to inform reference ecosystems in fragmented rural landscapes of south-east Australia :: Gill Earl, Murray LLS :: AABR Forum 2016


Revegetation guides can provide a valuable resource in determining a local indigenous reference community- Principle 1 of the National Restoration Standards. Gill Earl provides a walk through of the Murray-Riverina vegetation guides that are widely accepted as the go-to resource for revegetation projects in that area. The elements of the guides are outlined and why [...]

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