Landscape scale


Restoration in fragmented landscapes – The importance of genetics :: Linda Broadhurst, CSIRO :: AABR Forum 2016


The million dollar question of 'provenance' is eloquently described by Linda Broadhurst within the context of habitat fragmentation and climate change impacts. The talk simply explains the role of genetics in understanding inbreeding depressions and how they can arise from small population sizes or reduced parental numbers. A must see video for anyone who collects [...]

Using regional revegetation guides to inform reference ecosystems in fragmented rural landscapes of south-east Australia :: Gill Earl, Murray LLS :: AABR Forum 2016


Revegetation guides can provide a valuable resource in determining a local indigenous reference community- Principle 1 of the National Restoration Standards. Gill Earl provides a walk through of the Murray-Riverina vegetation guides that are widely accepted as the go-to resource for revegetation projects in that area. The elements of the guides are outlined and why [...]


Genetics and Restoration :: Linda Broadhurst and Tein McDonald :: Discussion 2016


How do you ensure your restoration project will be resilient in times of changing climate and increased fragmentation across the landscape? Tein McDonald discusses with Linda Broadhurst the implications of population size, the parental gene pool and the significance of pollinators in ensuring genetic diversity and countering inbreeding depression. In this expanding field, the importance [...]

Goals and logistics of restoring grassy understoreys on mined land in the Hunter :: Tim Berryman :: Seminar 2014


Tim Berryman is at the coalface of restoration, developing strategies and processes to reinstate grassy understory local plant assemblages on mine rehabilitation sites. This presentation outines the who, what, where, when, why and how of grassy understory restoration. Tim discusses the importance of partnerships and the need to push the boundaries in order to develop [...]

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