
Community solutions to rehabilitating seabird breeding habitat on Big Island (Booirodoong),Five Islands Nature Reserve :: Rowena Morris (NPWS) :: SERA Conference 2018


Restoring native vegetation cover on an island dominated by Kikuyu and Coastal Morning Glory poses unique challenges, especially when the island provides critical seabird breeding habitat. The Five Islands Nature Reserve is a culturally significant site and the success of the restoration project has been due to the project bringing together the Illawarra Local Aboriginal [...]

Be prepared: climate change & the NSW bushfire threat :: Lesley Hughes, Macquarie University, Climate Council of Australia :: NCC Bushfire Conference 2015


Be prepared to take a deep breath as Prof Lesley Hughes walks through the known data and possible futures in a climate-changing world. The evidence for climate change is outlined, the trends discussed and impacts of extreme events elaborated. Examples of future scenarios are provided within the context of bushfire impacts, particularly in NSW. A [...]

Popes Glen field day series :: Weeds :: AABR Field Day Sept 2017


The Popes Glen Bushcare Group utilise strong monitoring regimes and the process of adaptive management to inform the treatment of Willows, Privet, Pine trees and Ranunculus groundcover. By careful observation of the impact of their works they have become adept at reinforcing positive outcomes and considering the recovery trajectory of the site to ensure the [...]

Restoring underwater forests :: Ziggy Marzinelli :: Seminar 2016


Ziggy Marzinelli shares the world of underwater kelp forest recovery. A 70km aquatic restoration project was designed to reinstate Sydney’s Phyllospora comosa - Crayweed forests, a valuable recreational fishing asset as well as a key component of the kelp forest underwater ecosystem. Ziggy’s project successfully reintroduced the missing ecosystem component. In doing so he reinstated [...]

Creating Waterponds to tackle the drought clay pans on the landscape :: Ray Thompson, Central West Local Land Services :: Broken Hill field trip 2017


Arid landscapes that have lost their topsoil are subjected to erosive forces of wind and water to form a clay crust that prevents the growth of vegetation. Ray Thompson explains the technique of waterponding, which captures and directs water, slowing runoff and creating an environment for vegetation to reestablish. In the long-term wind erosion is [...]

Recovery from overgrazing in arid ecosystems. 90 years of change on the TGB Osborn Vegetation Reserve, Koonamore :: Russ Sinclair, University of Adelaide :: AABR Broken Hill field Trip 2017


In 1926 the TGB Osborn Reserve on Koonamore Station was established by fencing 4km2 of the property to exclude sheep and rabbits, it is one of the earliest fencing projects in the world. Permanent photopoints and quadrats were established to monitor the changes. This project highlights the resilience of the natural landscape once threats are [...]

Restoring the Caledonian Forest in Scotland :: Alan Watson Featherstone :: ERA Conference Keynote 2016


In pursuing a personal passion to restore the Caledonian Forests of Scotland, Alan Watson Featherstone developed an understanding of the key ecological principles needed to guide positive trophic cascades. By fencing remnant vegetation to reduce herbivory, ecological processes were reinstated to do the hard work of recovery. Rewilding projects are underway to complete ecosystem functionality. [...]

Upping the ante on restoration-landscape scale restoration on Travelling Stock Reserves in the NSW Riverina :: Ian Davidson. Regeneration Solutions :: AABR Forum 2016


The hidden world of Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs) comes to light as Ian Davidson explains their unique role across the Riverina landscape as a stronghold for biodiversity and threatened species. The absence of agricultural production techniques and fertilisers along with their location on flat fertile soils, linearly linked, has enabled the TSRs to remain prime [...]

Protecting paradise – restoring the flora and fauna of World Heritage listed Lord Howe Island :: Hank Bower and Sue Bower, LHI Board :: AABR Forum 2016


Hank and Sue Bower describe a unique assisted regeneration project that is aiming for complete eradication of vertebrate and weed species due to the isolation of Lord Howe Island. The World Heritage status and legal framework provides for unhindered access to all terrain across the island, enabling all pest populations to be targeted thanks to [...]

Restoration of a saltmarsh community :: Nerida Gill :: AABR Seminar 2013


A concise case study outlining an offset transformation of a highly degraded saltmarsh community at Kurnell. Careful planning and extensive community education is helping to address years of degradation from vehicles and timber getting Unrestricted access to the site was curtailed by fencing. The community has been engaged around the benefits of food chain health [...]

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