Remnant vegetation

How ecological (ecocentric) restoration can help facilitate a nature conservation culture in Australia (Putting nature first) :: Todd Dudley :: :: SERA Conference 2018


Todd explores the concept of ecocentricity and how it provides an ethical and social framework for both restoration and our relationship to the environment. An outline of the social, and individual benefits that have been produced on the Skyline tier project exemplifies how a changed worldview can unite a community. Todd, along with Michael Leunig [...]

Restoring underwater forests :: Ziggy Marzinelli :: Seminar 2016


Ziggy Marzinelli shares the world of underwater kelp forest recovery. A 70km aquatic restoration project was designed to reinstate Sydney’s Phyllospora comosa - Crayweed forests, a valuable recreational fishing asset as well as a key component of the kelp forest underwater ecosystem. Ziggy’s project successfully reintroduced the missing ecosystem component. In doing so he reinstated [...]

Creating Waterponds to tackle the drought clay pans on the landscape :: Ray Thompson, Central West Local Land Services :: Broken Hill field trip 2017


Arid landscapes that have lost their topsoil are subjected to erosive forces of wind and water to form a clay crust that prevents the growth of vegetation. Ray Thompson explains the technique of waterponding, which captures and directs water, slowing runoff and creating an environment for vegetation to reestablish. In the long-term wind erosion is [...]

Restoring the Caledonian Forest in Scotland :: Alan Watson Featherstone :: ERA Conference Keynote 2016


In pursuing a personal passion to restore the Caledonian Forests of Scotland, Alan Watson Featherstone developed an understanding of the key ecological principles needed to guide positive trophic cascades. By fencing remnant vegetation to reduce herbivory, ecological processes were reinstated to do the hard work of recovery. Rewilding projects are underway to complete ecosystem functionality. [...]

Norah Head Restoration and Rehabilitation :: Scott Meier, BARRC :: AABR Seminar 2013


The process of facilitating the regeneration of a heavily weed infested, high profile coastal site at Norah Head Lighthouse Reserve is outlined by Scott Meier. Professional bush regenerators supported volunteers in tackling Bitou Bush, Lantana and a host of other introduced plant species. After three years there has been greater than 90% reduction in weed [...]

Upping the ante on restoration-landscape scale restoration on Travelling Stock Reserves in the NSW Riverina :: Ian Davidson. Regeneration Solutions :: AABR Forum 2016


The hidden world of Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs) comes to light as Ian Davidson explains their unique role across the Riverina landscape as a stronghold for biodiversity and threatened species. The absence of agricultural production techniques and fertilisers along with their location on flat fertile soils, linearly linked, has enabled the TSRs to remain prime [...]

Woorim Dune Recovery Project, Moreton Bay Qld, Sunshine Coast Qld :: Spencer Shaw. Brush Turkey Enterprises :: AABR Seminar 2013


‘It’s as Simple as Spinifex’ is a case study on increasing community awareness to stabilize dunes by erecting a simple fence structure to control pedestrian activity and alerting the public to the issue with explanatory signage. These simple solutions provided the conditions for the natural systems to expand and stabilize the dunes. Topic Mins: [...]

The Dewfish Demonstration Reach – Aquatic habitat restoration for native fish recovery :: Andrew Norris, Dept. Agriculture & Fisheries, QLD :: AABR Forum 2016


This is an inspiring presentation that showcases a variety of strategies that were used to improve aquatic habitat. Approaches undertaken ranged from mechanical bank shaping to altering mowing practices, resnagging with whole trees to purpose built fish hotels. The detailed monitoring and commitment to community engagement has meant that the upward trajectory for in-stream restoration will continue beyond the funded project.

Subtropical rainforest restoration at the Rous Water Rainforest Reserve, Rocky Creek Dam, 1983-2016 :: Brett Weissel and Anthony Acret – Rous County Council :: AABR Forum 2016


An inspiring case study of a remnant in the Big Scrub area being on the full recovery trajectory for restoration. Brett Weissel chronicles Rous Water’s restoration project which utilised innovative mechanical techniques to achieve successional transition illustrated in a very impressive recovery wheel.


Restoration in fragmented landscapes – The importance of genetics :: Linda Broadhurst, CSIRO :: AABR Forum 2016


The million dollar question of 'provenance' is eloquently described by Linda Broadhurst within the context of habitat fragmentation and climate change impacts. The talk simply explains the role of genetics in understanding inbreeding depressions and how they can arise from small population sizes or reduced parental numbers. A must see video for anyone who collects [...]

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