
Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub Restoration and management at North Head Sanctuary, Manly, NSW :: Peter Jensen :: Seminar 2013


Peter Jensen from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust outlines the tools and techniques that have been trialed to assist the restoration Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (ESBS) at North Head Sanctuary. The site holds nearly half of the remaining ESBS (77ha) and professional and volunteers bush regenerators have utilised three different strategies to assist restoration; regeneration [...]

Goals and logistics of restoring grassy understoreys on mined land in the Hunter :: Tim Berryman :: Seminar 2014


Tim Berryman is at the coalface of restoration, developing strategies and processes to reinstate grassy understory local plant assemblages on mine rehabilitation sites. This presentation outines the who, what, where, when, why and how of grassy understory restoration. Tim discusses the importance of partnerships and the need to push the boundaries in order to develop [...]

Links to videos that align with the regenTV themes


This page contains lots of links to presentations from conferences and field days that align with the regenTV themes and support the learning resources. These videos have been produced by the event organisers.

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