Seed processing

Tony Parkes – Science Saving Rainforest Project – Big Scrub Landcare (AABR AGM Guest Speaker)


Big Scrub Landcare are now driving an innovative program to ensure that all plantings use genetically diverse planting stock to overcome potential inbreeding and build greater adaptability to climate change within the landscape. Dr Tony Parkes (AO) - retired organic chemist and merchant banker (turned rainforest restorer) - is the Founder and President of Big [...]

Native seed production ‘farming for restoration supply’- Lessons from local and US sectors :: Paul Gibson-Roy :: SERA Conference 2018


Why is grassy ecosystem restoration so hard…it doesn’t have to be? Paul Gibson-Roy shines the light on the USA’s approach. In 2015 Paul received a Winston Churchill fellowship to explore the industry in the USA .He shares his findings of the scale and viability of the industry and the government incentives and the structures that [...]

Goals and logistics of restoring grassy understoreys on mined land in the Hunter :: Tim Berryman :: Seminar 2014


Tim Berryman is at the coalface of restoration, developing strategies and processes to reinstate grassy understory local plant assemblages on mine rehabilitation sites. This presentation outines the who, what, where, when, why and how of grassy understory restoration. Tim discusses the importance of partnerships and the need to push the boundaries in order to develop [...]

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